" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/sns/sns01835/u/20.jpg">


  • Dietary Supplement
  • Helps Maintain Healthy Blood Sugar Levels
  • ChromeMate®

Vanadium is a biologically important metal that is essential for normal cell function and development. Vanadium has been shown to help maintain blood-sugar levels that are in the normal range by its insulin-like effects in the liver, skeletal muscle and adipose (fat that surrounds our organs) tissue. Chromium is a trace element that plays a significant role in helping to regulate the amount of glucose in the blood and maintain blood sugar and cholesterol levels that are in the normal range. Source Naturals Vanadium With Chromium helps to maintain healthy blood sugar levels when used as part of your diet.


僅供成年人使用(19 歲或以上)。每日 1 片,隨餐服用。除非遵醫囑,否則請勿超過建議用量。

網路價:180元,結帳享5%折扣後 171


  • Dietary Supplement
  • Supports Glucose Transport

Athletes have used vanadyl sulfate extensively as part of their daily supplementation program. It is a form of the trace element vanadium, which is important for normal growth and development. Vanadyl sulfate may help support glucose metabolism by its insulin-like effects in the liver, skeletal muscle, and adipose tissue, by activating glucose transport at the cellular level. Preliminary research suggests that Source Naturals Vanadyl Sulfate may help maintain healthy blood sugar levels when used as part of a healthy diet.


每日 1 片,隨食物同服。不要超過建議使用量。

網路價:220元,結帳享5%折扣後 209


  • 創立於 1947 年
  • 更多,更好,更快♦
  • 185 倍更高的生物利用度♦
  • 長久健康支持
  • Non-GMO
  • 無麩質、小麥和乳製品
  • 膳食補充劑

Solgar 初次將吸收性差的薑黃素從脂溶性轉化為水溶性植物營養素,從而使其立即可用於人體,吸收速度更快,活性更高。♦非常高級,僅在一粒軟凝膠中含 40 毫克薑黃素,就相當於許多(100 毫克)標準薑黃素提取物膠囊。現在,為了大腦、關節、機體抵抗健康,Solgar 永遠改變了您對於薑黃素的可能性的看法。Solgar® 全譜薑黃素...一粒軟凝膠,每日一次 - 優化 185 倍。♦

♦上述聲明乃基於一項採用客觀方法(代謝物分析)對 NovaSOL™ 薑黃素與普通薑黃素提取物進行對比分析的人體研究。

" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/sol/sol54708/u/70.jpg">


  • 創立於 1947 年
  • 更多,更好,更快♦
  • 185 倍更高的生物利用度♦
  • 長久健康支持
  • Non-GMO
  • 無麩質、小麥和乳製品
  • 膳食補充劑

Solgar 初次將吸收性差的薑黃素從脂溶性轉化為水溶性植物營養素,從而使其立即可用於人體,吸收速度更快,活性更高。♦非常高級,僅在一粒軟凝膠中含 40 毫克薑黃素,就相當於許多(100 毫克)標準薑黃素提取物膠囊。現在,為了大腦、關節、機體抵抗健康,Solgar 永遠改變了您對於薑黃素的可能性的看法。Solgar® 全譜薑黃素...一粒軟凝膠,每日一次 - 優化 185 倍。♦

♦上述聲明乃基於一項採用客觀方法(代謝物分析)對 NovaSOL™ 薑黃素與普通薑黃素提取物進行對比分析的人體研究。


成年人膳食補充劑,每次 1 粒軟凝膠,每日一次或兩次,隨餐服用為宜,或在醫生指導下服用。

網路價:1,714元,結帳享5%折扣後 1,629